My media advertisement was for Bovril, a hot drink which is high in protein and is beef extracted. My advertisement was 26 seconds long and featured two actors.

The first scene starts with one of my actors, he has a flu and coughs. He then exclaims that he hates his cough and questions how he will get rid of it. It is recorded at a medium shot, with a high angle. This shot and angle gives the connotations that the boy is weak. This can be further highlighted with him coughing which emphasises his illness.

The next scene is when the second actor jumps and lands at the door which is being filed. This is hot at a medium shot and also brings the product into the advert. This is a great use of mise en scene and shows the viewers the product.

The ad then progress with a tracking shot while the actor with the bovril approaches the sick boy. He holds the bovril like it is magic and can stop the boy coughing.

A medium-long shot is then introduced with both actors and they speak. The medium-long shot allows both actors to be in the same scene and highlights the sick boys changes in fortune.

Another medium shot is taken when the boy who was sick was better again.

The last shot was taken as an establishing shot which went into a close up. It was at the Bovril jar and the slogan 'Bovril, Extra Beefy' was shouted.


  1. A decent, if rather brief, analysis. How about persuasive methods? Use of music? V


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